Friday, August 1, 2008

Speaking through an invisible world...

Hello everybody!

E-light and yousif i'm really sorry for delaying the post so much it's just i feel like i wanna write something that you guys would enjoy :p so i hope you do!

I read this paragraph in the newest installment of one of my favorite writers Paulo Coelho "Brida" i really advise you guys to read it...

"For millions of years, we only ever spoke to someone we could actually see, then in less than a century, "seeing" and "speaking" were suddenly separated. we think it's quite normal now and don't realize the huge impact it has on our reflexes. our body still hasn't got used to it. the practical result is that, when we speak on the phone, er often enter a state very similar to certain magical trances. our mind tunes into another frequency and becomes more receptive to the invisible world..."

So to this brilliant person states that when we talk on the phone our minds are much more me that makes a lot of actually happens to me...

So what do you think?


Smart-y said...

eshma3na? hmmm many qadr astaw3ib shnu el qa9d?! yet i guess enna 9aj! ma3anny mu mestaw3ib.

5al ajareb adq 3alaik! ashof sh9eer? ;P

wannassa ana awal comment!! (a5er wa7d um 3yal!!! :P~)
w aham shai eneik me3t'ther 7q E-light and yousif.. shnu ya3ny! Smarties waina mn el salfaa?? >:

Eluded Euphoria said...

inzain what about seeing bro7ha :P ana 3endy el 9ora a7san mn el 9oot..
speaking=receptive.. mmm i barely talk. fa madry :P

Anonymous said...

finally!! :D
shof oho law t83d tafker feha tra 9ej lol, bs madry a7s t3wdna 3la hal sh'3la, and even through the computer b3d :< bs as I said a7s all of us t3wdna o 9ar shy normal and in the same time t7es ena hathy alsh'3la slbya akther mn la tkon ejabya, bs we can do nothing about it :\


Anonymous said...

First of all I want to thank u for this brilliant Post, then thank u in person when i see u :)

your right man that happen with me from time to time but what can u do about it, nothing :)

thank u again for this lovely post and keep it up (( U need to update ))

Love from eLight~