Monday, April 6, 2009

The Discovery Of The Gene Responsible Of Gaining Weight!!!

Imagine! What could genetics engineers do with this discovery...I could imagine...a world where no body is do you think that would be?
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone from Zain Kuwait


Eluded Euphoria said...

it may seem good on the outside, bs madry el 9ara7aa shraa7 e9eer,, aham shay el Health.. so this is BIG

Smart-y said...

no no.. ga9iin 3leena.. el fatty he/she chooses to.. oo mako eradaa mako shai esma genetically fat oo ma agdar a9'3af!!
(i'm speaking generally, so they may be .5% or less 9j genetically fat in this world!)

m7ammad said...

wow i really could not imagine a world where everyone has a perfect body!! i dont think well be seeing that in our lifetime! 3momam etha 9arat count me in! :D anything that takes zero effort to do takes my full support!